Legal Notice


    All contents contained on this website, including texts, graphics, logos, creativity and software, are owned by Dongguan City Biotechnology Industry Development Co., Ltd. and respective content/information providers of the website, and protected by Chinese and international copyright laws. This website is entitled to the exclusive right of duplication (collection, combination and re-combination) of all contents contained herein, under the protection of Chinese and international copyright laws. All software used on this website, is owned by Dongguan City Biotechnology Industry Development Co., Ltd. and respective software providers, and protected by Chinese and international copyright laws. Proprietary information on this website shall not be reprinted without the content of the website and indication of source.

    II. Information Release Clause

    This website can only be used for legitimate purpose only.

    (1) Short or false information release is prohibited. If users are found in violation of relevant terms of use, we will reserve the rights to suspend or terminate service to such users.

    (2) No information released on this website shall be in violation of the state and local government regulations, rules and administrative measures in respect of Internet network information safety and other laws andregulations;

    (3) The information released should be construed by the releaser who will be independently held responsible for all consequences and legal liabilities arising therefrom.

    (4) This website is entitled to use all information released by users through the website, and reserves the right to manage, amend or delete the information released by users.

    (5) Without the authorization of this website, users are prohibited from using the information on the website for other purposes.

    III. User Privacy Clause

    Respect of user s privacy is one of the basic policies in respect of user service of this website. Without the authorization of legitimate users, we won t make public or disclose the registration information and nonpublic contents stored in the website s user platform of the users, unless:

    (1) The nonpublic information of users is disclosed by their improper confidentiality measures;

    (2) The information is disclosed, lost, stolen or altered due to network line, hacker attack, computer viruses and government regulation;

    (3) The personal information of users is required to be provided according to law or this website s service management requirements;

    (4) It s to safeguard the life and property safety of users in an emergency.

    IV. Service Termination Clause

    (1) The right to judge whether the user s behaviors comply with these terms of service rests with this website. If a user is believed to have broken the regulations herein, this website is entitled to immediately terminate service to such user and delete the information thereof;

    (2) We may change, suspend or terminate partial or all free services to the users on this website any time as the case may be, and reserve the right of not notifying any user or third party thereof.

    V. Exception Clause

    (1) We make no warranty that the free services provided by this website won t be changed, suspended, terminated or delayed, or that the user information is absolutely complete and safe. This website will not be held responsible for the change, suspension, termination or delay or free user services or loss of user information.

    (2) Our warranty only extends to the truthfulness, legality and accuracy of the information released by or entrusted to be released by this website. The truthfulness, legality and accuracy of the information released by other users must be confirmed by the website visitors who will independently assume the risk of using such information. Meanwhile, this website will not be held responsible for the losses arising from untruthful information released by other users.

    (3) We reserve the right to delete the contents on this website any time, including but not limited to contents in violation of the above-said regulations. The Company will assume no liability for any offensive contents that may appear on this website.

    VI. Change of Service Clause and Service Amendment

    We are entitled to change the Service Clause when necessary. Any change to the User Service Clause of this website will be announced on important pages. In case of disagreement to such change, users may stop using the network service. Users continuously using network service will be deemed accepting such change.

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