Animal Laboratory Base of Southern Medical University

    Time:2017-05-22 15:54:19


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    Jointly founded in March 2010 by Southern Medical University and Songshan Lake Administrative Committee, the Songshan Lake Animal Science Park of Southern Medical University is invested with RMB 65 million. Taking up a land area of 40 mu, the Animal Laboratory Base is China’s first comprehensive laboratory animal resource and animal laboratory technical service platform covering large-sized laboratory animals like monkeys, dogs, minipigs and rabbits. As the operator of the Songshan Lake Animal Science Park, Songshan Lake Pearl Laboratory Animal Technology Co., Ltd. has the comprehensive research service ability for laboratory animal resource standardization, human critical disease model development, pharmaceutical screening and safety evaluation, medical equipment safety and efficiency assessment. Relying on the research strengths of Southern Medical University in laboratory animals and comparative medicine, the Songshan Lake Animal Science Park will provide a quality platform for new drug development, medical equipment and biomaterial development, health product and cosmetics development researches, standard laboratory animals and supporting conditions for international research institutions and transnational pharmaceutical enterprises, and undertake CRO service projects.


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