Over 40 Enterprises Established in the Cross-Straits Biotech Industry Cooperation Base

    Time:2013-09-30 13:51:17


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      As the key promoter of the Cross-Straits Biotech Industry Cooperation Base, Songshan Lake has fully advanced its operations and gathered about 40 biotech enterprises.

      Biopharmaceuticals Centered Industries

      As a major strategic platform of Dongguan and Guangdong Province, the Cross-Straits Biotech Industry Cooperation Base has a total planned area of 8,200 mu. Songshan Lake takes up an area of 3,700 mu. Centering on bio-pharmaceuticals, the Base is planned to focus on the development of new drugs and biological generic drugs, advanced medical instruments and equipment, gene industry, and health industry.

      Our investors are not limited to Taiwan. Despite of the name of Cross-Straits Biotech Industry Cooperation Base, we primarily focus on European and U.S. investors. Now we have introduced 46 enterprises and are currently talking to about 160 enterprises, over half of which have expressed an explicit intent to join us,  Song Tao, adviser to Dongguan Municipal People s Government and chairman of Dongguan City Biotech Industry Development Co., Ltd., revealed.

      Construction of Projects Introduced by Research Institutes Already Started

      Song Tao further revealed that the Biotech Research Institute and Collaborative Innovative Research Institute jointly built with Sun Yat-sen University, South China University of Technology and Jinan University have introduced three projects SCIPROGEN Bio-Pharmaceutical, Kaisite Medical Catheter and Huanan Pharmacy Industry Incubation Center. Construction of these projects has started.

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